Meeting Minutes

Reform Sex Offender Laws New Mexico

General RSOL-NM Meeting March 31, 2013

Lloyd opened the meeting at  1:30. Board members present:   Larry Neely, Lloyd Swartz, Alice Benson, Larry Neely, and Rick Dean.  Others:  Rebecca, Rebekah, Paul, Joseph, Jim, and JD.

1. Greeting/ Short Introductions new People

1. Treasurers Report/ Larry General fund: $1588.11   Legal fund: $8708.79

2. Meeting Minutes Alice  approved

3. Explanation of what RSOL is about by Lloyd

1. Old Business/ Committee Reports

1. Review Website Progress and concepts — improved and becoming automated

2. Nadine’s Door to Door Project  Nadine visited 50 homes with good response – Don     was to investigate errors and omission policy and insurance.

3. Visioning Committee Report/ Rick – no progress

4. Ex-Post Facto Letter Results/ Issues  — Larry sent 800 letters with $1000 response

5. Support Group Progress  — Barbecue at Doug Lindgren’s April 27 announced

1. Legal and Legislative Action/Larry

1. Legislative Wrap Up – Bill 570 passed and is waiting for the governor’s decision.

2. Retroactivity Lawsuit – ongoing strategy – need at least $25,000 – Larry working on,  If money given by large donors is not used it will be returned to the donor.

3. Honorariums for 2013 Session.  Larry approved to receive $500 for his work.

4. Discussion of the importance of the booth.

5.   National

a. Conference Planning Update/Rick  Hotel Westin near airport $89 per night (3 nights)

6.  New Business

1. Nadine’s Fundraiser Ideas – researching raffles

2. Nadine Official Membership Coordinator? – Pat Hilger was approved as membership coordinator.

3. Mission Revision – to coincide with National to be posted on website.

4. SOMB and Sentencing Commission Corruption Uncovered.  Next SOMB meeting May 9th.

6. No public comments other than general discussion throughout meeting.

Note: Visioning Committee meets directly after Board Meeting!

Lloyd announced the following important dates:

* April 5 Legislation not acted upon by governor is pocket vetoed

* May 11th CURE Meeting Hosted by RSOLNM

* June 14 Effective date of legislation not a general appropriation bill or

* a bill carrying an emergency clause or other specified date

* Labor Day Weekend  2013 5th Annual Conference Los Angeles CA

Meeting adjourned at 4:15 _________________________________________________

Submitted by Alice Benson/secretary for RSOLNM


Reform Sex Offender Laws New Mexico

General RSOL–NM Meeting Jan. 20, 2013

Lloyd opened the meeting at 2:00pm. Board Members Present were: Larry Neely, (Treasurer) Lloyd Swartz,( President) Rick Dean ,(VP) Alice, (Secretary) Pat (Membership Coordinator) not in attendance. Also in attendance were 9 members and Guest. New attendees were welcomed and Larry gave a short statement of purpose. Treasurer’s report by Larry: current balance of General Fund $1,271.15 Legal Fund– $8,059.79 Lloyd put out a paper called: “Registered Family Survival Guide” Lloyd is working on a brochure to be available for Registered Families. It was agreed that in future meetings a list of board members and attendees be recorded as to who attends each meeting for our Records. Lloyd presented updates on volunteer activities: volunteers needed in all areas. Rick is working on a spreadsheet regarding every SO in New Mexico . There was a discussion on motivating people to get involved. One Member volunteered to do house calls in her area to inform Registered Families/Persons of RSOLNM, of our battle and need for support. Lloyd and Larry are heading up the approach to the Legislature. There will be a booth on Feb. 13 and 14. There will be a tour on the Capitol on Feb. 13 at 10:00 am. and a press conference on Feb. 14th. Booth people are to wear Conference T–shirts. Larry explained the possible introduction of bills especially the Governor’s intent to bring NM into compliance with the Adam Walsh Act. RSOL is in opposition. Larry and Lloyd are in charge of materials and methods at the Legislature and urge donation of funds and Volunteer time also be in attendance in Santa Fe when called upon. The meeting was adjourned at 3:35.


Submitted by Alice Benson/secretary for RSOLNM