
Waiting? Wondering if it’s worth the stretch? Aren’t your rights and freedoms worth stretching for? Sign up now! |
Dear RSOL Supporter,
Have you registered for the conference yet? If not, you only have six more days to save big bucks on your hotel room and registration fee for our national conference in Dallas, Texas. We have a great line-up of speakers, presenters, and workshops, but the big news right now is the discounts that will expire very soon.
Discounted registration and hotel rooms end at midnight on June 1st. On June 2nd hotel rooms go up by approximately $50.00 nightly. Remember that your hotel price includes breakfast for two days, and the RSOL registration includes lunch Thursday and Friday. Space is limited, and there is no point in paying full price, so get online and take care of that right now.
For the first time, this year we will have live streaming. The link is http://rsolconference.org/home/conference-2015-live-stream/ and will go live in June.
Remember also to sign up for Friday night’s fund-raising dinner and silent auction. If needed, child care is offered and can be signed up for when you register. Do NOT wait until it is too late to take advantage of the discounted prices. See you in Dallas!
Copyright © 2012 National RSOL. All rights reserved.
Contact email: communications@reformsexoffenderlaws.org |