First Notice
Liberty & Justice Coalition
General Meeting December 12, 2015
2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
You are invited to Liberty & Justice Coalition general meeting to be held on Saturday December 12th at the UNM Law School. The address of the UNM Law School is 1117 Stanford NE, Albuquerque. This meeting is open to everyone over the age of 18 interested in learning more about LJC’s work.
Most of you should have received a letter from us seeking renewal of your membership and/or a donation to LJC. Please return those forms to us with whatever amount you can afford. We are attempting to get all members current because our bylaws provide for board elections to occur during the first quarter of each even-numbered year. If you have not paid your 2016 dues prior to the cutoff date for mailing of the ballots, you will only be able to vote by attending the meeting in person.
If you are interested in serving on LJC’s board, please contact Rick Dean at 505 832-4291 for email at: or information.